
time to ascend,...

Free helpline

Do you feel lonely, have worries, life questions or do you just need someone to talk to? Would you like to talk to someone about everything and be able to ask all questions? Or just talk about anger, anger, frustration, sadness, disappointment and emotional stress from your soul, having someone to talk to who understands without judging.

No matter whether you want to talk to someone about the current events, you are worried, you feel alone, you have stress with friends or family, it was a terrible day, you are exhausted, you have existential fears, you are feeling overwhelmed or your relationship is difficult right now.

Tell me about it! I listen to your worries and needs without judgment. Pour your heart out to someone you can trust!

You have grief, separation pain, fear of the future, don't know what to do or how to go on?

I am there for you and will help you to calm down again and to see perspectives.



Alessandra Soraya Artemis

Helpline currently not available

Truth & pure love, ...

Ra - the law of one

 ... aren't all things that exist part of the infinite Primordial Creator?

It is therefore your honor / duty to decide freely. 📘 RA 10.8

We are all part of the Prime Creator of everything that is and no matter how we may collect our experiences, all experiences become part of our Prime Creator and all that is. Whatever you do for yourself or for others, you are also doing for the Creator Source of all that is and all individualized parts. 

Our service thus serves the divine source, even if the distortion of separation wants to convey something else to us. The Prime Creator and all that is are always ONE.

To serve one with love and positive intentions is to serve all.

The free books:

"RA Contact: Teaching the Law of One" 

Volume I (https://www.llresearch.org/library/the_ra_contact_german/the_ra_contact_volume_1_german.pdf) / Volume II (https://www.llresearch.org/library/the_ra_contact_german/the_ra_contact_volume_2_german.pdf) / Fragment

 (https://www.llresearch.org/library/the_law_of_one_pdf/the_law_of_one_book_5.pdf)Here you can find the books, audios, eBooks and much more:


"It is what it is, but it will be what you make of it!

There are situations (collectively) that you cannot love, change or leave immediately, it becomes easier if you accept and do everything possible to develop yourself further.

Save your strength, increase your power!

Focus on what you really want, have a plan.

Always remember: "Your world is a mirror of your beliefs, your consciousness, your frequency and your actions, there are no sacrifices. Love as much as you can from wherever, have no resistance and take responsibility for your experience, including yours Decisions, consciously or unconsciously, are made. "

Alessandra Soraya Artemis

A call to loving service to your fellow human beings -

what can support you in a new era during global change

Choose love❣️

There is a healthy fear that serves to protect you, it is sensible, protect you, take care of yourself and listen to your intuition. When you take good care of yourself and take precautions, fear is no longer necessary and you can focus on the beautiful and good in your life.

Don't feel guilty about laughing, enjoying yourself and doing what makes you happy. Be vigilant and mindful.

However, there is also an illusory fear, without a solid basis, it blocks you, it drains your life energy, it prevents you from being happy, from feeling safe and from developing further, if you choose this fear it weakens you on all levels - do not give her power over you, take control of your attention and energy.

Right now it is particularly important to go into perception and trust your intuition!

Be mindful NOW, in the now, experience the moment. Perceiving is sometimes more valuable than thinking. As a human being, our thinking is polarized and thus in the past and the future.

To be in the NOW means to consciously perceive and experience the present moment. Thought has no access to the perception of the infinite NOW.

Simply switch off your thinking for a few moments and combine feeling and perception, just being with you is enough.

Being with you also means being closer to your core being ... experience how it feels

The following decisions will help you:

  • Start the day with a prayer of thanks
  • See the world from the perspective of the higher self
  • Increase your energy field through good organic nutrition and food, nature, kindness, healthy sleep, energy-encreasing music, books & films, helpfulness and prayers of thanks
  • abstaining from meat or please only use organic products for the "Good" of yourself, animals and Mother Earth
    (do not participate in the torture and torment of other living beings)
    Meat is proven to lead to many diseases
    accelerate aging
    weakens your immundefences
    consciousness can not expand
    your overall frequency can not increase
  • avoid any kind of vaccination, in longterm it destroys your natural immunsystem and accellerates the aging of your cells
  • tidy up in your life internally and externally, heal your past
  • live with integrity
  • be love, be loving, be cheerful
  • be a conscious observer and do not react to everything, do not get upset too often, as often as possible no evaluation of the events
  • love as much as you can, try to integrate any resistance
  • recognize the world for what it is, they are images, condensed energy formed by spirit
  • consciously create your reality and consciously detach yourself from everything that you are not really
  • act, think and act wisely and intelligently
  • stay away from negative people, it's their life, their choice
  • Say to yourself, "My heart is full of love and understanding. Your heart is full of love and understanding"
  • For interpersonal conflicts: "I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you."

Everyone goes into their timeline according to their frequency

Whatever is true in your belief system, along with your actions and non-actions, will shape your future. We are at a new beginning, at a timeline node, everything is rearranged.

Always Be Conscious Energy follows attention and energy forms consciously.

As far as I perceive it, it was decided for this earth that those who live in love, consciousness and service to others will stay here in order to build a new peaceful, honest and true society. What you think is true will possibly come true. Whatever possibilities are in the air, decide on the variant you prefer, then the convergence of the timelines happens as naturally as possible. The game has to be really understood in order to be able to see through all the illusions.

May the change of the earth be happy

Resilience - strong in times of crisis

Resilience comes from the Latin word "resilire" and means something like bounce back. In English "resilience" means resistance, mental strength.

Resilience is thus the inner strength that enables people to emerge from critical phases in life that are characterized by considerable stress and high loads, to emerge healthy in soul and body.

The damaging effect "ricochets" off them, so to speak. Resilience means, in a broader sense, this Not only to survive crises, but also to grow with them, to become stronger through them.

Being resilient doesn't mean being invulnerable or callous.

"Even if they have thicker skin, resilient people can

to be quite desperate, angry and shocked.

You are by no means invulnerable.

But unlike less resilient people, they can

Process problematic conditions better ! "

Instead of giving up, they act (pro) actively to shape and improve their life situation. As a result, they put themselves into emotional states that give them strength, in which they feel their power. They do not suffer any permanent damage and are able to help - and to be helped.

Knowing your own potential strengthens resilience. People with a high degree of resilience have a connection to their inner potential, resources and qualities.

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"I choose a self-determined life,

I focus my energy and attention on what I really want. "

Message from the White Eagle, North American Hopi Indian,

from March 16, 2020

The moment humanity is now living through can be seen as a portal and a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or step through the portal is yours. If you regret the problem and consume news 24 hours a day, with little energy, constantly nervous, pessimistic, you will fall into the hole.

But if you take this opportunity to take a look at yourself, to reconsider life and death, to take good care of yourself and others, you will step through the portal.

Take good care of your home, your body. Connect with your spiritual home. When you take good care of yourself, you also take care of everything else.

Do not miss the spiritual dimension of this crisis; look like an eagle that looks at the whole from above and has more foresight, this crisis is a social challenge, but also a spiritual one. Both go hand in hand. Without the social dimension, we plunge into fanaticism.

But without the spiritual dimension, we plunge into pessimism and futility. Take your tool kit. Use all the tools you have available. They were prepared for this crisis.

Learn to stand firm from the indigenous people and the African peoples: We have always been and are still being exterminated. But we haven't stopped singing, dancing, lighting a fire and having fun.

Don't feel guilty if you are happy during this difficult time. It doesn't help at all to be sad and powerless. It helps if good things come out of the universe now. Holding on is joy. And when the storm passes, each and every one of you will be very important in rebuilding this new world.

You have to be well and strong. And there is no other way to do this than to maintain a beautiful, joyful and light vibration. It has nothing to do with madness. It's a strategy of standing up.

In shamanism there is a ritual of passage called the vision search. To do this, people spend a few days alone in the forest, without water, food or shelter. When you step through the portal you get a new vision of the world because you have faced your fears and difficulties ...

Therein lies the task: allow yourself to use this time to carry out your rituals of the search for a vision. What world do you want to build for yourself? Right now you can do this: Serene serenity in the middle of the storm. Calm down, pray every day.

Make a habit of meeting the sacred every day. Good things come out; most important is what comes out of you ...

Sing, dance, stand firm through art, joy, trust, compassion and love. Hold on.

Author and expert for transformation processes

Talented in the media from birth - I advise you on all your questions in life and listen to you patiently and impartially.

What does life coaching look like?


Life coaching on the phone offers advantages

  • you can take advantage of a consultation from the comfort of your own home or on the go
  • you save time and travel costs and can get advice relaxed and comfortably in your own four walls without time pressure
  • A conversation can give you spontaneous positive impulses, for example before a date, before important decisions or a meeting


Quick help on the phone

  • you wish for a positive change in your private and professional life
  • you need spontaneous support without leaving home
  • you need support to change habits such as fitness, partnership or behavior
  • you just want to pour your heart out to someone


Awareness training

Knowledge develops freedom.

Get rid of everything that you are not through awareness training

Consciousness training is about freeing yourself from the network of old, self-created patterns and rising back into awareness. It is a natural process in which you reveal yourself to yourself. The rewards of this work are new insights and discoveries about how your life works - or why it doesn't work.

Insights into the structure of creation and the levels of consciousness. Exploring other dimensions and realities.

It is a research journey into consciousness that you can shape according to your individual needs. You alone determine how far you go. No one will try to indoctrinate you and force you to believe or believe. What you believe is what you believe, and the truth you discover is your truth.

During the few hours you embark on this adventure, put aside all external duties and distractions and dedicate yourself to exploring and discovering yourself and to ascending into that unlimited potential that awaits you. Be ready to experience your own creation of consciousness and the physical universe with all its wonders.

Enjoy the trip.

The aim is to research your own belief system and your existence in order to be able to live completely freely, happily and genuinely in the HERE and NOW.

The positive restructuring of your subconscious the way you really want it, without the hindering programming of old generations or society, creates the prerequisite for developing your full personal potential, holistically and sustainably. Consciousness training connects body, mind and soul.

Causes of stress and depression are identified, recognized and integrated. New strengthening beliefs are anchored this brings your own energy back into the flow.

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